$558.00 USD

5 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Terms of Agreement

SOLO BOOK INCUBATOR with Hille House Publishing

Please read those terms carefully as they are legally binding contract. We suggest downloading a copy for your records.

You are purchasing one seat in the four-month-long Solo Book Incubator, which includes the ultimate book outline blueprint that you can customise for your unique style, video and live trainings, three months of weekly group coaching sessions, detailed feedback on your annotated table of contents, introduction and first chapter as well as an accountability buddy.

You are purchasing this in your business capacity and guaranteeing the purchase as an individual.

These Terms of Purchase are the entire agreement between us. These Terms of Purchase supersede our prior discussions, emails, online or voice messages. What happens after you pay: Our secure payment processor is Stripe and we use Wise and direct bank transfers per agreement.

You will receive a receipt for your records shortly after purchase.

This service has a no refunds policy.

By completing this purchase, I acknowledge and agree not to initiate a chargeback. If I initiate a chargeback, I will be charged an additional fee of $300 USD.

I agree that failure to complete my book does not warrant a refund. Whilst the intention of this 12-week container is for you to complete your solo book and we provide you with the strategies and support to make this happen, it is up to you to do the work and prioritise your writing during that time.

Please note that editing and publishing of your book is not included in this package and can be organised separately.


All payments are made in full at the start of the project or as per agreed payment plan. I agree that I will provide the necessary information for to Hille House Publishing by the date specified by email.

I am granting Hille House Publishing, their partners and co-authors the right to use my name, likeness, biographical information, and full and/or excerpts of my book with full attribution to me in the promotion this program in both digital and printed format.

By ticking this box, you agree to the below terms of purchase. If you are receiving these terms by email, please respond saying that you agree to these terms.

Solo Book Incubator


Writing templates to structure your book and individual chapters.

Weekly author group sessions for coaching, feedback on your writing, and guidance to give you clarity on next steps. And monthly co-working time for support and connection to keep your momentum. 

Weekend retreat for you to dive deep into your writing. Experience guided meditations and activations, connect to other authors, and get support, guidance and feedback on your writing.

Library of creative writing tools to up-level your writing skills and video trainings that cover everything you need to know to get started and keep going until that very last full stop.

Access to our online Solo Book Incubator (SBI) Community, where you will have the opportunity to meet other "purpose-preneurs" who are here to make a difference and publish high-vibing books that have the power to create change, inspire, activate, and empower the reader.

No need to go it alone. You'll be paired with an accountability partner to help keep you on track.